Travel Section

Oshkosh 2001 - Part 2


NYC - May

San Antonio
Mission de San Jose
San Antonio - April

Oshkosh 1

Oshkosh 2



Ok this page is to show I was actually looking at the displays on the ground.  The comments below say it all.  We only spent three days so it was impossible to see it all.  The next time I go back I'll fly my own homebuilt...until then there's Arlington, Cougar Landing, Las Cruces...


Oshkosh - 2001

Jan's dad Bill trying on a Eurpoa. This was a mock up cockpit. We tried it as well. A really nice kit that takes a lot of the work out of composite building. Unfornately it was a little out of reach of our budget.

Oshkosh - 2001

The Eurpoa mockup cockpit before we tried it on.

Oshkosh - 2001

Bill sitting in the Van's RV9A.

Oshkosh - 2001

The crowd around the RV7 demostrator. I couldn't get close!

Oshkosh - 2001

The RV9A demonstrator. We managed to sit in this one. It felt great!

Oshkosh - 2001

An interesting paint job on an RV6 that was taxing by.

Oshkosh - 2001

A beautiful Falco

Oshkosh - 2001

Hard to believe this is a wood aircraft. The lines are so graceful and teh skin is almost composite smooth.

Oshkosh - 2001

The Falco from the front.

Oshkosh - 2001

Nice nose art on a beautiful P-51

Oshkosh - 2001

'Glamorous Gal' P-51.

Oshkosh - 2001

'Glamorous Gal' P-51 from teh front

Oshkosh - 2001

A shot of the military display area - the old and the new

Oshkosh - 2001

The six cylinder Jabiru engine. A true work of art.

Oshkosh - 2001

The Lancair - pant, pant.

Oshkosh - 2001

A Lancair and a Glasair - I'll take either one.

Oshkosh - 2001

The Lionheart. Man this sits up on some tall gear.

Oshkosh - 2001

The Lionheart from the side

Oshkosh - 2001


Oshkosh - 2001

A really affordable

Oshkosh - 2001

A nice embedded landing light

Oshkosh - 2001

A beautiful P-51

Oshkosh - 2001

Another P-51

Oshkosh - 2001

Ok I like P-51's...who doesn't!

Oshkosh - 2001

B-1 flying over a P-51

Oshkosh - 2001

A Rans

Oshkosh - 2001

Jan's mom Sally waiting for us to catch up.

Oshkosh - 2001

Sally, "now I know I had a husband around here somewhere...what did he mean a 'real fox'?

Oshkosh - 2001

A Sonex

Oshkosh - 2001

The taxiway

Oshkosh - 2001

Now there's a line up - Look out Vickers there's a P-51 on your tail

Oshkosh - 2001

A Trimotor fly by

Oshkosh - 2001

Tri motor taxing out with another full load of passengers

Oshkosh - 2001

Trimotor on the taxi way

Oshkosh - 2001

The Velocity SUV

Oshkosh - 2001

Close up of the Velocity SUV

Oshkosh - 2001

Cockpit of teh Velocity SUV demonstrator

Oshkosh - 2001

Seats in teh Velocity SUV

Oshkosh - 2001

Now there's a cockpit

Oshkosh - 2001

The Vickers on the flight line

Oshkosh - 2001

The Vickers on static display

Oshkosh - 2001

The Vickers taxing by

Oshkosh - 2001

The Vickers taxing by again...I think actually full speed in teh air wasn't much faster...A real beauty!

Oshkosh - 2001

In one of the 'we're gonna build it this week' tents a wing being built.

Oshkosh - 2001

A yellow beauty